Thursday, January 14, 2010 was the first day of tax season hours for this year! Can't believe it's already rolled around again. Weird as it seems, I usually feel that I don't know where the year goes before all this is here again, but I've been thinking this week that it seems like a really long time ago that I had to work on Saturdays! That's a good feeling! It's been really busy, and I'm eager for things to be this way...I'm going to work on maintaining that outlook these next 3 months. :-)

Dee went today to get the PET scan results from Monday, and Dr York told her the scan was not clear, that the cancer isn't gone. She's probably headed to the stem cell transplant this time, but she'll meet with those doctors sometime in the next few days and find out a game plan. I am eager to see what her next step is. She mentioned a few weeks ago that she's reading a book titled, 'A Bend in the Road,' by David Jeremiah. He had lymphoma back in the 90's, AND he's had a stem cell transplant, so it's an incredible book to her. I decided I wanted to read it too because she said so much of what he has to say are exact same ways she's felt at times, and those are things that I want to know. It is such a RICH book! I'm only through chapter two, but have about decided that I need to keep a journal of quotes from this book to look back on. It speaks to anyone going through trying times, definitely worth a read if you're looking for a good book to sink yourself into. I usually like to read a chapter a night, at least, when I'm reading a book, but this is so powerful that I have to stop after a few pages just to ponder it all and take it all in. I can't wait to get further into it!

Changing gears here, I'm going to add a note about my nieces:

Kate is now 15 and has her Learner's license! Man! Talk about feelin' old! :-) She is still the precious girl she's always been, and she blesses me with her wisdom and her heart, even at this age. Of course, at home, she's a teenager (!!), and I get to hear that part from my sister, but I don't particularly want to hear it....that's not the role God gave me to worry with! I do find myself being a sounding board for her sometimes, when she and my sister aren't getting along, but I think it does make her pause for thought when I don't always take her side. I understand her words, and her heart, and I know where she's coming from, but I also can see my sister's side of things at times, so without being as 'cutting' as my sister can be, or being a parent, I'm finding that I can say things in a way that makes her think, but doesn't make her irritated. That's a nice place to be, and I love being an aunt. That's a real news flash, isn't it? :-)

Both she and Grace went the route of that new Christian school, as some of you may remember. LOTS of drama and quite a few bad experiences there, so Kate decided earlier this year, I think sometime around Thanksgiving, that she was ready to go back to public school! She is a 'wrestlerette,' a scorekeeper for the wresting team, and seems to have fit back into that life rather well. The great thing is that she kept in touch with so many friends from middle school while she was at the other school that it felt like they were all just waiting on her to come back and join them. She's at a good place in life, and I'm very proud.

Grace is still at the Christian school, but she's had her own set of drama and bad experiences, so she'll be going back to public school next year as she starts middle school. I can't believe she's that old either....she will be 11 in April! GEEZ! She's still playing soccer, loves sports, games, anything that is either outside or just enough to stay busy. She's a sweet girl. Very tenderhearted and helpful. We still have a very cool understanding of each other in humor and the way our minds work, so that makes it fun. She decided she wants to be a cheerleader a few months ago, so tomorrow night, I'm going to watch her cheer at her first basketball game. I'm excited to see that. Make me smile even to type it. She was a majorette earlier this year too! It's hard to keep that girl down! I am a very blessed aunt. I may try to take my camera a sneak a picture or two of her cheering tomorrow, so if I do, I'll post them. What a hoot! I can't wait!


Jean said...

How sad that Dee has to go through so much treatment. A former co-worker of mine had not only stem cell, but T cell transplant. It was an incredible procedure at Johns Hopkins. But she's been back teaching again, feeling better than she had for years. I pray that Dee will be completely cancer free.

Those neices! 15 and 11. I can't believe it! Do post pictues, please!

Justabeachkat said...

15 and 11? Good Golly Miss Molly! Time sure does fly.

So sorry about Dee. I pray her treatments will be easy and successful.
