Saturday, January 9, 2010

A fresh start

I've been thinking lately about how much I've missed blogging. As several of you know, I had personal reasons for slacking off with posting on my previous blog, reasons that I won't go into again here, but I've come to realize that it's an outlet I've missed.

I would have to admit that the ease of Facebook also been one of the reasons I've not blogged, but that venue doesn't fill the need I have sometimes to just get things down in writing, from my heart. In detail. Just to put in writing where I may happen to be in life and what I am feeling. I was thinking about all this the other day as I was driving home, and it hit me, "Just start a new blog, Ding-dong!" So, I've decided to start again...with a new name...some of the friends from my old blog as readers...and with an openness that I have missed. I may still post on the other blog because it has been a part of my past, and I LOVE the name, since it was partially named with tribute to my niece, but I think from here forward, I'll post general stuff on that one, and save this one for the 'life' stuff. I've been carrying lots around with me this past year with nothing to 'do' with it.

Hopefully, this will be the fresh start that I need...


Jean said...

Welcome back, Dianne!!!! I am so glad that I have you on Facebook, but I totally miss having you in Blogland. I really look forward to reading what's been on your heart.

Tracey said...

Dianne, I've been thinking the same thing lately---even down to the starting a new one! I love the ease of Facebook too, but sometimes I just need to share more, and with only a few close, "chosen" friends, not the entire FB world. I think you've inspired me. I've missed it, and I've missed you!

Tonja said...

I understand. I like FB for quick notices of what folks are doing...but, it's really so impersonal. I just love blogging and my blogging friends. Like you, I have the need to write about what I feel in a deeper and more personal way. And, blogging fills that need.

Welcome back! I've missed you! Looking forward to hearing more from you! Blessings!